Collaborate With The Shanghai Explorer

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Have a project in mind? Contact me and let’s work together! As a passionate and self-driven photographer, travel and photography are my two greatest passions. For a decade, I have been living abroad and travelling the globe whilst capturing each moment through photographs. With extensive, first-hand knowledge of the travel industry, I can offer photography and personal recommendations for travel. With great exposure on platforms such as Instagram and Trip, my small travel itineraries and accompanying photographs have been widely acknowledged. As an individual photographer, my Trip profile has received great praise - ‘the photographer must be great’; ‘truly amazing photography skills’; ‘outstanding photography’; ‘so perfect when you take pictures’. Further, my travel guides have accumulated thousands of likes and even greater exposure. Collaborate with us for sponsorship, brand partnership, photography, travel guides and more.

Travel Roster

Interested beyond China? Contact us. Other travel destinations include America, Great Britain, Canada, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, Iceland and more.

Join The Community

With The Shanghai Explorer, you can travel smarter and be more adventurous. Join my community for travel advice, personal recommendations, itinerary suggestions and photographic inspiration. With free information at every click, The Shanghai Explorer hopes to help travellers explore unique parts of China and unconventional destinations.